Day Care Programs

Faith Family Christian Center
"Guidance & Discipline Policy"

Our program subscribes to a disciplinary policy built on mutual trust, with teachers and children working together to help children grow and mature.


In helping to direct the child toward self-discipline, the following guidance techniques are used:

  1. Positive statements are used in giving direction to behavior.
  2. Redirection is consistent with the child's needs.
  3. The child is given opportunities to make choices and solve problems.
  4. Suggestions are given in time to prevent conflicts.
  5. Comparisons of children are avoided.
  6. Unacceptable behavior is clearly explained and the child is told what is acceptable. Approval of acceptable behavior is clearly expressed.


Discipline of children shall primarily be the responsibility of core classroom staff in accordance with the individual child's age, stage of development, and the knowledge that the teacher has of the child's needs. We also view guidance as a team effort and an ongoing learning process, so feel free to ask for help if you need support in any child guidance situation including with your own child.


Disciplinary methods used shall be based on guidance to help the child develop inner control, self- responsibility, respect for the rights of others, as he learns to cope with the daily experiences of living and working with others. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL CORPORAL PUNISHMENT BE USED OR TOLERATED BY ANYONE ON SITE!! Verbal abuse will not be allowed-this means no yelling, no obscene language and no put downs between adults or between adults and children. Spanking, threatening, and withholding food cannot be used to discipline children.


The staff shall accept and respect earn child for who she is as a unique individual. If a child's behavior becomes unacceptable, this shall be explained to the child in a positive way without humiliation, fright, or physical harm. The child shall then be helped to find a better way of resolving her problems or meeting her needs. Respect for her feelings shall be maintained.

Time Out

Time out is a technique that will be used sparingly and carefully. It will be used primarily when children hurt or potentially hurt others or themselves. Aggressive behavior needs to be stopped as quickly as possible, and time out is often, but not always the best method for doing so. Time-out will only be used when a child has repeated the aggressive behavior more than twice and the teacher has already explained to the child that such behavior is not acceptable. Time out will be one minute per year of age of the child.

Biting Policy

When biting occurs, these immediate steps will taken:

  • Separate the child who bit and the bitten child.
  • Staff will say to the child who bit, "No, biting hurts!" or "People are not for biting." "I can not let you hurt other people like that." The staff will use his/her tone of voice and facial expression to show the child biting is unacceptable.
  • The staff will turn his/her back on the child who bit.
  • Staff will attend to the child who was bitten, will apply first aid as needed. If skin is broken staff will wash with warm water and soap. And will apply ice pack or cool cloth to help prevent swelling.
  • Another staff member will keep an eye on the child who bit to prevent reputation of the behavior.
  • If appropriate, staff will have biter help assist the bitten child.
  • After a couple of minutes, staff will go to the child who bit and get him involved in an activity.
  • Depending on the biters age, staff may encourage restitution, e.g. an apology, efforts to cheer the bitten child.

Follow up steps include:

  • See that tetunas immunizations is current on the child who was bitten
  • Document the incident.

The child who repeatedly bites

Repeated biting behavior, regardless of child's age and developmental stage, needs to have a behavior management plan made by caregivers and parents together.

When should you be concerned about biting?

  • If the child doesn't care that biting hurts, or if she seems to get pleasure from it.
  • If a child keeps getting bitten.
  • If a child keeps biting the same child.
  • If a child bites at home but not at the center, or vice versa.
  • If child repeatedly bites and usual distractions or positive discipline methods fail to change biting behaviors.